E-IoT Ecosystem - The platform to convert conventional devices to SMART devices - TECHFerence 2021
Interviews at the TECHFerence 2021 conference and exhibition with Jens Mollitor CTO of Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH, Markus Kummert CSO of Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH, Zoltán Kiss Export manager of Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH, leader of the Hungarian IoT competence center
Video Library
- Endrich IoT Concept 2021 - Sensors and IIoT
- The Endrich IoT Test Infrastructure – a new platform for IoT Developers Lecture by Zoltán KISS MSc – Export Manager, Endrich Bauelemente Vertirebs GmbH
- Endrich IoT Demonstartion Infrastructure 2021 by Endrich Budapest R&D Competence Center
- A major challenge we face today is digitalization of industrial processes, extending machinery with low power, feature rich microcontroller-based electronics to collect sensor readings and forward data with LPWA communication channels to a Cloud Database in order to build up the “BIG DATA” - the knowledge base of the future. A mass of sensor readings needs to be organized into central databases for future processing so as to meet the expectations of Industry 4.0. The Internet of Things, or IoT provides the ecosystem to deal with this challenge. We review these potentials based on the IoT infrastructure system developed mainly for demonstration purpose by Endrich GmbH, a leading electronic spare part distributor in Europe, by showing an example how to work with a modem using Narrow-Band IoT / LTE_M technology and introducing the cloud based database service which was created by the company engineers to help IoT developers at the customers. Endrich GmbH has developed an online sensor network infrastructure, where every component of this hardware have been supplied by the manufacturers represented by the company. The beginning of the processing chain – like in a real-world application – consists of sensors detecting and measuring different physical quantities, which are processed all the way to cloud database storage and visual data representation at the end. There is a sophisticated gateway in between, which collects the sensor readings, preprocesses these data and sends it through a communication channel to a cloud based database service, where it can be displayed after processing, or used for any purpose appropriate for a given task.
- The 40 years of Endrich
- Az Endrich saját fejlesztése a TV2 Innovátor műsorában
- A budapesti fejlesztőkozpontban megszületett E-IoT koncepció hardver és szoftver elemeit mutattuk be az ElectroSub 2021 kiállításon, a TV2 Innovátor műsora pedig meglátogatott bennünket... Az Október 16-i adás Endrich vonatkozású része....:
- Interjú Kiss Zoltánnal, Jens Molittoral és Markus Kummerttel - Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH
- Az Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH Európa egyik vezető elektronikai alkatrész disztribútora. Az elektronikai alkatrészek mellett a termékfejlesztéshez szükséges hozzáadott értéket is kínálnak.
- Endrich IoT Koncepció Webinar 2021 05 14
- Az Endrich R&D Budapest 2021 tavaszi webinar sorozatának befejező része
- E-IoT Ecosystem - The platform to convert conventional devices to SMART devices - TECHFerence 2021
- Interviews at the TECHFerence 2021 conference and exhibition with Jens Mollitor CTO of Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH, Markus Kummert CSO of Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH, Zoltán Kiss Export manager of Endrich Bauelemente Vertriebs GmbH, leader of the Hungarian IoT competence center
- Pakole lecture on SIDO Lyon 2023, use case of E-IOT by Endrich
- Pakole lecture on SIDO Lyon 2023, use case of E-IOT by Endrich